ven. 17 mai 2013

Making ELF packer for fun and chocapicz (part 2)

As promised, here is the second article about my ELF packer.
Here, I'll talk about dynamically-linked ELF (i.e. which has dependencies to ".so" modules), which is more tricky than the "basic" packer I showed before. The code is still NASM, and still under 32bit (feel free to rewrite the code to support 64-bit architecture ;))

Category: Hacking - Tags: Packer ELF C assembler
mar. 07 mai 2013

Making ELF packer for fun and chocapicz

I recently decided to make an ELF packer, in order to learn some cool stuff about Linux kernel and ELF format, so I'll write 2 or 3 articles in this blog to explain some stuff I discovered. To write this article, I use NASM and a x86 linux kernel (yeah guys, I'm still on a x86 archlinux). But before, let's listen to some music

Category: Hacking - Tags: Packer ELF C assembler